​Healthy Nutrition, Lifestyle, Physical Activity, and Stress Management Counseling

Weight Management, Improved Energy

​Diabetes, Pre-Diabetes. and Diabetes Prevention 

Heart Disease, including Hypertension and Disordered Lipids                                                                

​Food Intolerances and Allergies

Celiac Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, other GI Disorders, Lactose Intolerance                              

Autoimmune Disorders, such as M.S. and R.A.   

Nutrition for a Healthy Immune System

Nutrition for Eating Disorders

Nutrition for Depression

Nutrition for Eye Health, Macular Degeneration

Nutrition for Healthy Skin                            

​Memory Preservation Nutrition, including Alzheimer's, and other Dementias

Caregiver's Health and Nutrition

Cancer Prevention and Treatment


​Smoking Cessation 

Illinois Dietitians, L.L.C./Midwestern Dietitians

For more information, please call or text us at 708-285-1347, e-mail us at emccarthyrd@aol.com, or message us through this website.

​​We Offer Telehealth Services!


Berrien County, Michigan Office:

Details Coming Soon!

For more information, please call or text us at 708-285-1347, e-mail us at emccarthyrd@aol.com, or message us through this website.

Research Based Medical Nutrition Therapy

At Illinois Dietitians, L.L.C., we follow the protocols and methods recommended by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.  Our medical nutrition therapy is research based.  

My Dietitian Says... 

Regular Hand Washing...

- Always wash your hands before touching food.

- When Dining Out... It's a good idea to wash your hands before eating. Hand washing is key to preventing the transmission of disease. Germs travel from surfaces that you have touched to the food that you eat. Washing your hands is a simple action that has wonderful health benefits. While in the lavatory, use a clean paper towel to turn off the faucet and to open the door when leaving. These surfaces are often forgotten by the cleaning crew, and may harbor disease causing organisms - not something that you want to bring to the table with you!

Food Intolerances and Allergies

We help you make an eating plan that will alleviate the symptoms associated with food intolerances and food allergies, and that will keep you healthy.

Contact us:

Insurance Co-Pays, Deductibles

It is the patient's responsibility to contact their insurance company and to know their insurance coverage. Even though we do call for coverage, it is not the responsibility of the provider. 

Co-pays and deductibles are the responsibility of the patient and are to be paid in full two or more days before the time of service.

Discounts on Our Services...

We offer a discount on our fees to patients who have no insurance, to those whose insurance won't pay for our services, and to those patients who pay us out of pocket up front, take the responsibility of sending the insurance form to the insurance company and the collection of the payment.

Schedule an appointment here -


Call a Registered Dietitian

Missed Appointments...

Although we understand that are extenuating circumstances, if a patient does not give 24 hour notice, letting us know that they will not be able to attend the appointment, or does not show up for a scheduled appointment, a $50.00 "no show" fee will be charged to the patient. The first time is forgiven, however, any "no show" after that will be charged $50.00.

A Note About Review Websites -

There are websites out there in which patients can review providers.

Although the websites may have some positive aspects to them, it has been my experience that anyone can write a review about a provider - whether or not the person has actually been seen by the provider, or whether or not the information given is even correct.

Another problem with review sites, is that  due to HIPPA (patient privacy), a medical provider cannot respond to the review in any way that breaks the privacy rule of that patient. So, that means that the provider cannot reply to a review beyond writing something such as "that is incorrect" or even "thank you".  The provider cannot respond to a negative review with actual facts.

When we have tried to get in contact with one review website in particular, in order to let them know that  information is incorrect, and to let them know that we have written proof that the information is incorrect, our words seem to fall upon deaf ears. They seem to have no interest in getting the correct information on their site. But then, why should they?  Bad reviews keep them in business.

Providers find being put in this position is quite unfair. However, as medical providers, we continue to help those who are in need.

And, we keep living with the abuse that these review websites allow to occur. 

So, if you ever read a poor review about me you can be certain that it is a false one. I take very good care of my patients. I treat them as though they are a part of my family. There has not been, nor will there ever be, a time in which I, as a medical provider, should be treated with disrespect or given a poor review.

Book an appointment with Illinois Dietitians LLC

Powered by AppointmentPlus

 For more information, please call or text us at 708-285-1347, e-mail us at emccarthyrd@aol.com, or send us a message        through this website.

Smoking Cessation:

Eileen Hourihan McCarthy is a recognized Freedom From Smoking Cessation Facilitator with the American Lung Association. We offer a Smoking Cessation program that follows the standards established by the American Lung Association.

​Our program is a structured program that is individual or group based, and achieves it's objectives through learning life skills that promote smoking cessation and a healthy lifestyle. The program is comprised of 8 sessions over 7 weeks.


Disordered Eating

We help you to follow and adhere to a healthy eating plan as you move through your outpatient program.

​​​​​Weight Management Nutrition

At Illinois Dietitians, L.L.C., we take into consideration your physical and emotional needs as we gently and slowly help you to move into a health lifestyle. We help you to plan a healthy lifestyle plan, a delicious eating plan, and a regular physical activity program that is comfortable for you.  We help you to emotionally move away from an unhealthy lifestyle that can feel overwhelming and depressing, and into one that is healthy, emotionally freeing, and satisfying.


Stress Management - Meditation Classes

At Illinois Dietitians, L.L.C., we understand that life can  be stressful.  We offer individual and group meditation and stress reduction classes that help to lower your stress level.

Through the use of meditation, stress management techniques, healthy nutrition, physical activity, and lifestyle counseling, we help to make your life healthy, calm, and emotionally satisfying.   

Caregiver's Health and Nutrition:

At Illinois Dietitians L.L.C., caregivers have a special place in our hearts.  In the process of caring for those in need, caregivers often ignore their own nutritional, physical and emotional needs.  We offer support and offer classes that focus on the lifestyle, nutritional, physical, and emotional needs of caregivers.  

When you need help, we are there for you...


In striving to help you, we answer questions such as...

"Can we create a lifestyle, eating, physical activity, and stress reduction plan that is healthy, delicious, satisfying, and one that I can follow throughout my lifetime?"

"How can I lose weight comfortably and maintain a healthy weight throughout my life?"

"Can you help me with my eating disorder? I don't feel well, and I need an understanding R.D. to help me though this."

"How can I control my diabetes by making a few changes in my eating plan?"

"How can I lower the amount of diabetes medications and insulin that I am taking by making a few changes in my eating plan?"

"I really want to quit smoking. Can you help me to quit?"

"I am a caregiver. I feel tired, burnt out, depressed, and hopeless. Can you help me to learn how to take care of myself so that I will remain healthy and so I can more easily care for my loved one?"

At Illinois Dietitians L.L.C. / Midwestern Dietitians... 

We use nutrition, lifestyle, physical activity, and stress management choices to help you attain and maintain optimal health, and to prevent and treat conditions and diseases.

We practice whole person wellness that takes into consideration your physical and emotional health.

Instead of eating a bowl of sugar coated cereal or a pastry for breakfast, eat a colorful and delicious salad for breakfast! Read More 

Pre-Diabetes, Diabetes Prevention Program

We offer a Pre-Diabetes Prevention - Lifestyle Change Program that follows the standards established by the Diabetes Prevention Recognition Program, at the Centers for Disease Control. 

We offer a structured lifestyle change program that can be individual or group based, and achieves its objectives through learning life skills that promote healthy eating, weight loss, lifestyle change, and regular physical activity habits.

With Pre-Diabetes, we can reverse the condition and in doing so, prevent the development of Type II Diabetes. 


 Physical Activity...

                  Get a minimum of 1 Hour of 

                    Moderate Physical Activity 

                       Five Days of the Week

What is a Registered Dietitian?

- A registered dietitian (R.D.N. or R.D.) is the medical provider who is licensed by the state to use medical nutrition therapy in the attainment of health and in the prevention and treatment of conditions and diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, kidney disease, heart disease, and many other conditions and diseases. 

- A registered dietitian will help you to create a healthy and delicious eating and lifestyle plan - not a fad diet that you cannot comply with for the long term - but a healthy plan that you can enjoy for the rest of your life.

- Everyone should have a registered dietitian on their team of regular health care providers. You should visit your registered dietitian at least once a year for a "nutrition and lifestyle check-up". During these visits your registered dietitian will help you to make your eating, lifestyle, and physical activity plan a healthy one.

- Creating a healthy eating plan, with the help of a registered dietitian, helps to prevent and treat many common conditions and diseases that are affected by nutrition, lifestyle, and physical activity choices, and helps you live a long, independent, and healthy life. 

- Healthy nutrition is good medicine, and when paired with healthy lifestyle habits, regular physical activity, and stress management, it forms the foundation upon which much of health and medicine rests.

- Form a working relationship with a registered dietitian.  It's one of the best decisions that you will ever make!


715 Lake St., Suite 220, Oak Park, Illinois 60301

The Dietitian's Health Tip ...

Eat healthy, natural, organic, wild food. 

We Offer Our Services as...

-   Individual and group sessions
-   In office consultations

-   Telehealth and phone counseling

-   Corporate wellness programs and classes
-   Spa and fitness club consultation and classes
-   Assisted living facility and daycare consultation
-   School wellness programs and classes
-   Library and community group programs and               wellness classes
-   Grocery store tours

Some Healthy Meal and Snack Ideas...

We Offer...

Medical Nutrition Therapy, General Nutrition and Wellness:                                 

-  Healthy eating plans of all kinds, including the

   Anti-Inflammatory Diet

   Mediterranean Diet

   Vegetarian and vegan eating plan​

-  Healthy nutrition for seniors, middle aged                    adults, young adults,teens, and children

-  Weight Management and Bariatric Counseling

-  Diabetes, Pre-Diabetes, and the Metabolic                  Syndrome

-  Cardiovascular Disease, including                                   hypertension, high LDL cholesterol, high                       triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol, heart failure

-   Celiac Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and           other gastrointestinal diseases

-   Lactose Intolerance

-   Food Intolerances and Allergies


-   Autoimmune Disorders, such as Rheumatoid             Arthritis and Multiple Sclerosis

-   Osteoporosis and Osteopenia

-   PCOS

-   Memory Preservation Nutrition, including                    Alzheimer's Disease and other dementias  

-   Nutrition for Macular Degeneration           

-   Nutrition for Restless Legs Syndrome

-   Caregiver's Health and Nutrition

-   Nutrition for Depression

​-   Certified Personal Trainer Services

-   Smoking Cessation

We Accept...​

Private Insurers,Health Savings Accounts, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover​, personal checks, Medicare, and YouthCare Health Plan/Medicaid, Illinois.         

Eileen Hourihan McCarthy, M.F.N., B.S., B.A., R.D.N., L.D.N., C.P.T., C.M.T.

Director, Registered Dietitian, Lifestyle Coach (DTTAC), Facilitator (ALA), Certified Personal Trainer, (NASM), Certified Meditation Teacher, Lecturer,  Writer, Photographer/Artist

Illinois Dietitians, L.L.C. / Midwestern Dietitians

Oak Park, Illinois Office:

The Medical Arts Building 
715 Lake Street, Suite 220 
​Oak Park, Illinois 60301

Phone:       708-285-1347

Fax:             708-356-6611
E-mail:       emccarthyrd@aol.com
Website:    mydietitiansays.com

Hours:        Monday - Thursday 9 A.M. -  8 P.M. C.S.T.                                      Friday 9 A.M. - 5 P.M. C.S.T.